Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gingerbread houses- VERDICT. Our giving update.

Pinterest Fails

So, I've had lots of guesses on the gingerbread houses, and most people guessed right! I know it will be a huge surprise to most of you, but yes, Josh won the gingerbread contest. Surprise, surprise. I thought I had given myself a chance by following Pinterest's advice, you saw, mine soon collapsed. I should have a website devoted to my "Pinterest fails." It was still fun to laugh about. It always starts out as a great idea and then goes terribly wrong. Wreaths, calendars, pictures, you name it- I have brought it to a craft party so excited and left with something to throw away the next day.

Trying has to count for something, right?


We had an amazing Christmas and holiday. I also wanted to update everyone on our giving. We spent "too much" on things we got for others. But I am reminded now, more than ever, that few people ever went bankrupt from giving too much. Losing it to gambling, or poor management, or addiction- yes! But giving, I rarely hear of it. I hope you all realized that this Christmas- what it means to give- financially, of yourself, of your resources, of your time. We loved giving of some of our time away with our family. 

These next pictures are funny. We were supposed to be taking "jumping" pictures, and apparently Josh and I were more enthusiastic than the others:)

Especially on this one...

Christmas Surprise!

Josh and I love cruises! It is some of the most "bang for your buck" trips that we have taken. I have always wanted to go overseas and never have. I've talked for a long time about wanting to go on a Mediterranean cruise. Well, on Christmas morning, I had a gift of pieces of paper in an envelope. They were labeled with numbers and I had to lay them out in a pattern according to their numbers. Then on 3, I had to turn it over! It was a Mediterranean cruise!!! We are not sure when we are taking it, but my husband already saved up some money, and we will continue saving toward it. What an awesome Christmas surprise!

The cruise picture didn't quite lay out as Josh had planned, as you can see in this video…

Then, we enjoyed time with my sweet nephew, Liam

Bow hunting with my man...

And sweet time with our "nephew" Elliott


My next appointment is coming up. My 6 month oncology check-up! Wow, can't believe it's almost been 6 months since my scans in August. As you all know at this point, I can get anxious about my appointment. So, I ask for prayers for peace. I continue to ask for your prayers for my headaches. I also ask you to pray for a perfect check up. And of course for my fertility. Wasn't that an amazing last post by my husband? His heart amazes me.

I have to remember what all God has done for me and he will not stop now. He didn't stop on October 17, 2011 with my devastating diagnosis. He didn't stop on March 30, 2012 during my last chemo. He didn't stop on April 23, 2012 with my mastectomy He didn't stop on April 30, 2012 when I received my cancer-free results. He didn't stop on July 12, 2012 when I ended my radiation. He didn't stop on June 28, 2013 when I had my last reconstructive surgery, and he even didn't stop just a few months ago in november when I had my final reconstructive procedure. He will continue proving himself over and over again. IT IS WHO HE IS! And no, I'm not preaching to you. I am preaching to Aly. I can never hear it enough.

Remembering who he is and reminding myself of his faithfulness,


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