Monday, December 23, 2013

It's a wonderful life

It's A Wonderful Life

One of my favorite movies is It's a Wonderful Life. Our church gave out devotionals to our families and we watched It's a Wonderful Life this past week. There are so many lessons to be learned in this movie, but there were a few that stuck out to me this time.

Realizing my life is indeed wonderful

Throughout cancer people would always say, "I can't believe you are so positive!" And as I've said before, it wasn't me. It was the Lord and the protection he had around me. 

Since defeating cancer, let's just say that there are days I am less than positive. I still believe without a shadow of a doubt that I am healed, but there are days I feel sorry for myself and can see all the "wrong" things in my life. Such as:

-Grieving the fact I had cancer
-The physical pain that remains
-The emotional scars for everything I have been through
-The worry about our future family
-Concerns about my future

After one of our pastors preached a message yesterday morning on "It's a Wonderful Life", I realized more than ever: I have a WONDERFUL life. The grace God has extended to me and to you, is simply mind-bottling. Cancer aside, anxiety aside, pain aside. I have a WONDERFUL life. A God who saved me. A family who loves me. Friends who stand by me. Hope of a future.

I love my life! I am beyond blessed and have so many things in my life that are "right."

Remember, it is truly a wonderful life we have been given. There are many hardships we go through by simply being alive.  God warns us about this, but we are still surprised when it happens.

Abundant life

But how amazing is it that we get to experience this thing called life, with all the ups and downs that it brings. It truly is a gift. Life is a gift. And for those of us who have pursued God and experience relationship with him, we know an even greater form of life- The ABUNDANT life.

I am striving to see just how wonderful my life is this Christmas. I've had Christmas with Josh's side of the family and still have yet to do Christmas with mine.

I got to experience my wonderful life by celebrating Christmas with the prettiest girl there is, my precious niece Sulli.

I got to celebrate my WONDERFUL life by serving others at a soup kitchen...

Josh and Ms. Renea ready to serve up some meals! My life is wonderful in many ways because of these 2...

Just when I start to feel sorry for myself, I realize just how wonderful my life is as I see these needy and homeless people...

I love my wonderful life and the chance to do fun, silly, Christmas activities like building gingerbread houses with my man.

Two questions for you: Do YOU have a wonderful life? If so, tell me about it and comment below.

Now to the more important question, take your guess on whose gingerbread house is whose? We had a little friendly competition and one outdid the other. As you can see, one entirely collapsed! Any guesses on which is Josh's and which is mine?

Enjoying my WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL life!

Merry, Merry CHRISTmas,



joyfullady said...

Hi Aly, Merry Christmas to you and your love ones!
I appreciate you, you inspire me in many ways. Your story allows me to see how wonderful my life is. Some times life can get difficult and challenging but stories like your is what makes me realize that life is much more than a difficult day, sickness or even a crazy day at work.
Thank you Aly....Blessings!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. I can get blinded too at times. Then I hear that still small voice remind me of how truly blessed I am...thank you for sharing. You blessed me today!