Healthy Eating

The battle

From the moment I was diagnosed, I was scared to eat. I was scared to drink. In my mind, I felt like anything I would put in my body could make the cancer grow! It was a place of bondage for me, that thankfully I am somewhat out of now.

My amazing mother-in-law, along with several others have helped me in trying to change my diet and eat foods that can make me as healthy as possible. What I am sharing with you is not an "anti-cancer" diet or even foods that can cure cancer, but simply diet choices that I've made to help me get and stay as healthy as possible.

If anyone knows me, you know I am a HUGE foodie. I love food. Pasta, pizza, mexican, ice cream, sweets...really healthy food. Yeah, right:) So, this undertaking of changing my diet was literally a 180! Listed below are the diet changes that I have tried to stick to, along with some recipes that somewhat satisfy my sweet tooth.

I do believe that God gave us so many natural things to keep us healthy and strong. I know He desires for me to be healthy...that my body is His temple, and I am committed to taking care of it. This has been a lifestyle change for me. One that has affected my husband and a diet that I hope and pray to raise my children up in. I desire for them to live long, healthy lives as well! We do somewhat have control over that with our diets. are my basic restrictions

  • Little to no bread. If I ever eat bread, I will do whole wheat or whole wheat tortillas, but I really don't eat bread at all.
  • Little to no sugar. I try to stay away from sugar totally, outside of fruits and other foods with naturally occurring sugar.
  • No cream or dairy products. I do eat eggs and Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk.
  • I don't eat any red meat, except for deer meat, as it is very lean. And it comes from the deer that my husband and I kill, so I know more about it:)
  • I try to stay away from all processed food. If I do eat something processed, I try to eat organically.

So, what do I eat?

Organic cereals with little sugar
Fish, chicken, deer meat
Brown Rice
Unsweetened vanilla almond milk
Fresh Juice
Sweet potatoes
Nuts (mainly almonds and walnuts)
Lots of salads
Black beans
Kind bars
Larabars (certain ones)
Almond butter
Unsweetened coconut
Olive oil
Honey and stevia for sweeteners

Eating healthy is expensive!!!

I've read blogs that say that eating healthy is just as costly as eating unhealthy, and I just haven't found that to be the case. It is so much more expensive, at least for us. Our grocery bill has nearly tripled each month since my diet changes. Thank the Lord for those who continue to give to us.

I have to see it as an investment. What better thing to invest in outside of the kingdom of God? My husband's temple...our future children's bodies. I am such a tight wad, so to see that money going to food and then paying for a gym membership- it pains me! But, I have to remind myself that it is an investment. In my health, and ultimately my life.

Please share

As I've said before, I know that everything I've been through has not been in vain. I believe that each part of my journey has brought me closer to God and has brought others closer to Him too. We can all benefit from keeping our bodies healthy. 

I am working on a recipe page, but if you need any suggestions before that is up and running, let me know and I'd be happy to give you some of my go-to's. 

1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 "Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I al going through the same thing. I have has 4 rounds of the adriamycine chemo, and I have only 8 rounds od taxoll to finish. Then I have 30 rounds of radiation. I was diagnosed with etage 2a breast cancer oct 19th. I should be done july 4th. I too have changed my eating habbits. Thank u so much for ur post and may god bless u in the rest of uyr journey. Jeanne