Eccl. 3:1 "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."
We had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. I have continued to feel so much more like myself since getting my good scan results. The timing of my results, paired with the joy of the holidays is truly amazing. Definitely the best Christmas and New Year's to date. It is as if all of my senses are heightened to the awareness of God's goodness in the ordinary, little things. As we woke up on Christmas morning, Josh and I talked about this Christmas being the best yet. Of course, for obvious reasons, but we are just more aware of the meaning of life and how brief it truly is. I loved being with our families on Christmas...we are so blessed.
It is officially less than a month until my implant exchange surgery! I am getting really excited about it and am really not nervous at all. I will not miss these tissue expanders one bit...there is no better way to explain it other than having rocks under your chest muscle. Sounds fun, right? I'm obviously very thankful for the expanders, but I've had them in for over 8 months and am ready to say goodbye! I will go to Houston on the 31st for my pre-op appointment, then my implant surgery will be February 1st!
A lot will happen between now and my implant surgery. I will start back to school, which is my last semester of PhD coursework! ahhh!!! So thankful! I will also start back to work and will have a niece at the end of January. Josh and I are so excited about this sweet little baby girl and how soon she will be here. Then, a month later, at the end of February, my sister and her husband will be welcoming their baby boy. Another baby to love...So many of our best friends are pregnant or have just had babies! We want to be parents so badly and are trusting in God's perfect timing. Please continue to pray for my fertility as we desire to have our children grow up with their cousins and our friends' children. We are continuing to believe and trust that we will have children of our own. Dr. Litton told us that she is a rare doctor at MD Anderson to encourage children after breast cancer. I am so thankful she is our doctor. I've known ever since I was little girl that I was meant to be a mother...trusting it will come to pass. I am striving to have the faith of Sarah! He who has promised is faithful!!
Hebrews 11:11 "By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised."
We should be able to ask a bunch of fertility questions at my oncology check up next week (Monday). I can't believe it is time for another oncology check up. It will be the first time we have seen Dr. Litton in several months, so it will be great to see her and ask a lot of questions. I also will have a breast ultrasound on Monday to re-check those lymph nodes that alarmed Dr. Strom 3 months ago. We are praying and believing that the lymph nodes will look completely normal- please join us in praying this. Once this ultrasound comes back good, I will let out one big breath in knowing that all tests are normal. My ultrasound is Monday morning and my radiation doctor will go over the results with me on Tuesday.
This will be my first trip to Houston in over a month! I am looking forward to spending time with the Stanfills, hopefully seeing some of our other Houston friends, going to Whole foods, some of our fave stores and restaurants.... It is nice to be looking forward to a Houston trip. A new year, a new life, a new hope for Josh and I and our future family!
Please pray for great ultrasound results on Monday..that the lymph nodes look completely normal. Enjoy some pictures from New Years below. I love you all!
Celebrating with some sparklers and fireworks!
Happy New Year!
Aly, I am believing and receiving with you and Josh for all good reports and a very easy surgery and quick recovery for you!! You were set aside by God and for whatever reason He has, He has used you in so many ways to encourage others with your Faith and your strong convictions!! You and Josh will be blessed with your own precious family in God's time. Of this I am confident!! You are a blessing to everyone who knows you. God created you and Josh for each other and He will fulfill your heart's desires!!! Love you! Ginny
A Happy and Blessed Year!
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